Kaunda E.K.W.

Bibliographie associée

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Otolith features and growth of Malawian characid Hemigrammopetersius barnardi from the southwestern coast of Lake Malawi.
Ichthyological Research, 53
11832 Morioka S., Matsumoto S., Kaunda E.K.W. Journal 2006 # 143-147.
Reproductive biology and breeding of Barbus paludinosus and B. trimaculatus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Lake Chilwa, Malawi: implications for fisheries management.
African Journal of Aquatic Science, 34, 2
13330 Macuiane M.A., Kaunda E.K.W., Jamu D.M., Kanyerere G.Z. Journal 2009 # 123-130.