Deacon A.R.

Bibliographie associée

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Notes on the induced reproduction and development of the tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus (Characidae), embryos and larvae.
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 47
11900 Steyn G.J., Gagiano C.L., Deacon A.R., du Preez H.H. Journal 1996 # 387-398.
Ecosystem change and the Olifants River crocodile mass mortality events.
Ecosphere, 3, 10
11903 Woodborne S., Huchzermeyer K.D.A., Govender D., Pienaar D.J., Hall G., Myburgh J.G., Deacon A.R., Venter J., Lübker N. Journal 2012 # 1-17.