Cataudella S.

Bibliographie associée

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The chromosomes of Calamoichthys calabaricus (Pisces, Polypteriformes).
Experientia, 29 (4)
6305 Capanna E., Cataudella S. Journal 1973 # 491-492,2 fig.
Remarks on the karyotype of the Polypteriformes. The chromosomes of Polypterus delhezi, P. endlicheri congicus and P. palmas.
Experientia, 34, 8
12097 Cataudella S., Sola L., Capanna E. Journal 1978 # 999-1000.
New developments in vertebrate cyrotaxonomy. III Kariogy of bony fishes: a review.
Genetica, 54
11388 Sola L., Cataudella S., Capanna E. Journal 1981 # 285-328.
New developments in vertebrate cytotaxonomy. III. Karyology of bony fishes: a review.
Genetica, 54
12096 Sola L., Cataudella S., Capanna E. Journal 1981 # 285-328.
Morphological changes in the oesophageal epithelium during adaptation to salinities in Oreochromis mossambicus, O. niloticus and their hybrid.
Journal of Fish Biology, 32 (2)
9895 Cataldi E., Crosetti D., Conte G., D'ovidio D., Cataudella S. Journal 1988 # 191-196,2 fig.