Chen F.Y.

Bibliographie associée

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The effect of living space on the growth rate of fish.
Ichthyologica, 3
4505 Chen F.Y., Prowse G.A. Journal 1964 # 11-20.
The identity and origin of the Malayan and Zanzibar 'strains' of Tilapia mossambica.
Report of the Tropical Fish Culture Research Institute
4839 Chen F.Y. Journal 1966 a 36-37.
The living-space effect and its economic implications.
Report of the Tropical Fish Culture Research Institute
4840 Chen F.Y. Journal 1966 b 37-42.
Preliminary studies on the sex determining mechanism of Tilapia mossambica Peters and Tilapia hornorum Trewavas.
Report of the Tropical Fish Culture Research Institute
5014 Chen F.Y. Journal 1967 # 43-47.
Preliminary studies on the sex-determining mecanism of Tilapia mossambica Peters and T. hornorum Trewavas.
Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie, 17
5417 Chen F.Y. Journal 1969 # 719-724.
Comparative zone electropherograms of haemoglobins and muscle myogens of four Tilapia species and their hybrids.
Report of the Tropical Fish Culture Research Institute
5622 Chen F.Y. Journal 1970 # 39-44.
Zone electrophoretic studies on the proteins of Tilapia mossambica and T. hornorum and their F1 hybrids, T. zillii and T. melanopleura.
Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 27
5623 Chen F.Y., Tsuyuki H. Journal 1970 # 2167-2177.