Dambo A. |
Bibliographie associée
idbiblio | auteurs | support | annee | ext. | pages |
Assessment of the protein nutritional composition in the body compoment parts of scaly freshwater fish species (Citharinus citharus, Distichodus rostratus and Alestes brevis)
Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics, 10, 4 " |
12012 | Abolude D.S., Okafor C.D., Opabunmi O.O., Dambo A., Barak Z. | Journal | 2013 | # | 6-10. |
Improvement of growth performance of Clarias galmaensis through hybridization and genomic DNA from Heterobranchus bidorsalis using sperm mediated gene transfer technique.
International Journal of Fisheries Science and Research, 5 " |
13540 | Mohammed Z.B., Abdullahi S.A., Dambo A., Abdullateef A.Y., Ocholi Y. | Journal | 2023 | # | 1-9. |