Crass R.S.

Bibliographie associée

idbiblio auteurs support annee ext. pages
The indigenous fishes of Natal.
Publication du Conseil Scientifique pour l'Afrique (CSA) au sud du Sahara, 25
3262 Crass R.S. Report 1956 # 89.
Tilapia in Natal.
Proceedings of the First Fisheries Day in Southern Rhodesia
3659 Crass R.S. Symposium, congress... 1959 # 29-31.
The status and identity of Barbus marequensis A. Smith, 1841 (Pisces, Cyprinidae).
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13 (1)
3691 Greenwood P.H., Crass R.S. Journal 1959 # 810-814.
Notes on the freshwater fishes of Natal with descriptions of four new species.
Annals of the Natal Museum, 14 (3)
3860 Crass R.S. Journal 1960 b 405-458,4 fig.
Biological notes on the acclimatization of trout in Natal.
South African Journal of Science, 56
3861 Crass R.S. Journal 1960 a 147-151.
Freshwater fishes of Natal.
Pietermaritzburg, Shuter and Shooter
4509 Crass R.S. Book 1964 # 167 p.,35 fig.,6 pl.
Features of freshwater fish distribution in Natal and discussion of controlling factors.
Limnological Society of Southern Africa : newsletter, 2
4851 Crass R.S. Journal 1966 a 31-35,9 fig.
Freshwater fish families.
Limnological Society of Southern Africa : newsletter, 2
4852 Crass R.S. Journal 1966 b 16-25.
Freshwater fish in Natal.
Natal Wildlife, 9 (1)
5209 Crass R.S. Journal 1968 # 10-12,fig.
The effects of land use on freshwater fish in South Africa, with particular reference to Natal.
Hydrobiologia, 34 (1)
5420 Crass R.S. Journal 1969 # 38-56.