Crass R.S. |
Bibliographie associée
idbiblio | auteurs | support | annee | ext. | pages |
The indigenous fishes of Natal.
Publication du Conseil Scientifique pour l'Afrique (CSA) au sud du Sahara, 25 |
3262 | Crass R.S. | Report | 1956 | # | 89. |
Tilapia in Natal.
Proceedings of the First Fisheries Day in Southern Rhodesia |
3659 | Crass R.S. | Symposium, congress... | 1959 | # | 29-31. |
The status and identity of Barbus marequensis A. Smith, 1841 (Pisces, Cyprinidae).
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13 (1) |
3691 | Greenwood P.H., Crass R.S. | Journal | 1959 | # | 810-814. |
Notes on the freshwater fishes of Natal with descriptions of four new species.
Annals of the Natal Museum, 14 (3) |
3860 | Crass R.S. | Journal | 1960 | b | 405-458,4 fig. |
Biological notes on the acclimatization of trout in Natal.
South African Journal of Science, 56 |
3861 | Crass R.S. | Journal | 1960 | a | 147-151. |
Freshwater fishes of Natal.
Pietermaritzburg, Shuter and Shooter |
4509 | Crass R.S. | Book | 1964 | # | 167 p.,35 fig.,6 pl. |
Features of freshwater fish distribution in Natal and discussion of controlling factors.
Limnological Society of Southern Africa : newsletter, 2 |
4851 | Crass R.S. | Journal | 1966 | a | 31-35,9 fig. |
Freshwater fish families.
Limnological Society of Southern Africa : newsletter, 2 |
4852 | Crass R.S. | Journal | 1966 | b | 16-25. |
Freshwater fish in Natal.
Natal Wildlife, 9 (1) |
5209 | Crass R.S. | Journal | 1968 | # | 10-12,fig. |
The effects of land use on freshwater fish in South Africa, with particular reference to Natal.
Hydrobiologia, 34 (1) |
5420 | Crass R.S. | Journal | 1969 | # | 38-56. |