Solomon S.G.

Bibliographie associée

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Biometric relationship, food and feeding habit of Heterotis niloticus (Cuvier, 1829) and Labeo coubie (Ruppell, 1832) from lower River Benue.
Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 3, 1
11466 Solomon S.G., Okomoda V.T., Achodo S. Journal 2017 # 19-27.
Morphological and parasitological variations of African lungfish, Protopterus annectens in dry and rainy seasons.
Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife & Environment, 9, 1
12291 Omeji S., Obande R.A., Solomon S.G. Journal 2017 # 104-113.
Prevalence of fish parasites in Bagrus bayad and Protopterus annectens from Upper River Benue in Mutum Biu, Taraba State, Nigeria.
Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research, 10, 5
12292 Omeji S., Solomon S.G., Ogaba S.R. Journal 2022 # 39-53.