Aprahamian M.W.

Bibliographie associée

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The allis shad Alosa alosa: biology, ecology, range, and status of populations.
American Fisheries Society Symposium, 35
12569 Baglinière J.-L., Sabatié M.-R., Rochard E., Alexandrino P., Aprahamian M.W. Journal 2003 # 85-102.
Biology, status, and conservation of the anadromous Atlantic twaite shad Alosa fallax fallax.
American Fisheries Society Symposium, 35
12583 Aprahamian M.W., Baglinière J.-L., Sabatié M.-R., Alexandrino P., Thiel R., Aprahamian C.D. Journal 2003 # 103-124.