Ecoutin J.-M. |
Bibliographie associée
idbiblio | auteurs | support | annee | ext. | pages |
The Gambia River estuary: A reference point for estuarine fish assemblages studies in West Africa.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 69, 3-4 " |
13497 | Simier M., Laurent C., Ecoutin J.-M., Albaret J.-J. | Journal | 2006 | # | 615-628. |
Biology and ecology of sea catfish (Ariidae) of estuarine, lagoon and coastal ecosystems in West Africa.
Journal of Fish biology, 99, 2 " |
13564 | Simier M., Osse O.J.F., Ezemonye L., Ecoutin J.-M. | Journal | 2021 | # | 629-643. |