Mireku K.K.

Bibliographie associée

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Molecular phylogeny of the fishes traditionally referred to Cyprinini sensu stricto (Teleostei: Cypriniformes).
Zoologica Scripta, 39, 6
13377 Yang L., Mireku K.K., Sado T., He S., Saitoh K., Miya M. Journal 2010 a 527-550.
Parasites of Sardinella maderensis (Lowe, 1838) (Actinopterygii: Clupeidae) and their potential as biological tags for stock identification along the coast of West Africa.
Biology, 12, 389
12839 Ogbon A.M., Afoakwah R., Mireku K.K., Tossavi N.D., MacKenzie K. Journal 2023 # 1-15.