Bloomer P.

Bibliographie associée

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Mitochondrial DNA differentiation in the critically endangered Berg River redfin (Pseudobarbus burgi).
The Journal of Heredity,:91, 2
13261 Bloomer P., Impson N.D. Journal 2000 # 122-127.
Sea-level changes, river capture and the evolution of populations of the Eastern Cape and fiery redfins (Pseudobarbus afer and Pseudobarbus phlegethon, Cyprinidae) across multiple river systems in South Africa.
Journal of Biogeography, 34
13254 Swartz E.R., Skelton P.H., Bloomer P. Journal 2007 # 2086-2099.
Phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Pseudobarbus (Cyprinidae): shedding light on the drainage history of rivers associated with the Cape Floristic Region.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 81, 1
13255 Swartz E.R., Skelton P.H., Bloomer P. Journal 2009 # 75-84.
Conservation of evolutionary patterns and processes in the Maloti minnow, Pseudobarbus quathlambae (Cyprinidae, Smiliogastrini), a narrow-range stream fish imperiled by water transfer scheme developments in the Lesotho Highlands.
Hydrobiologia, 850
13264 Swartz E.R., Bragança P.H.N., Rall J.L., Kubheka S.P., Bloomer P., Skelton P.H., Chakona A. Journal 2023 # 301-313.