Kubheka S.P.

Bibliographie associée

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The Maloti minnow Pseudobarbus quathlambae (Barnard, 1938) is not extinct in South Africa.
African Journal of Aquatic Science, 42, 3
13265 Kubheka S.P., Chakona A., Mazungula D.N. Journal 2017 # 303-306.
Conservation of evolutionary patterns and processes in the Maloti minnow, Pseudobarbus quathlambae (Cyprinidae, Smiliogastrini), a narrow-range stream fish imperiled by water transfer scheme developments in the Lesotho Highlands.
Hydrobiologia, 850
13264 Swartz E.R., Bragança P.H.N., Rall J.L., Kubheka S.P., Bloomer P., Skelton P.H., Chakona A. Journal 2023 # 301-313.