Denyoh F.M.K.

Bibliographie associée

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Pond fish culture development in Ghana.
FAO World Symposium on warm water pond fish culture, Rome, 18-25 may 1966.
4858 Denyoh F.M.K. Symposium, congress... 1966 #
Pond fish culture development in Ghana.
Proceedings of the FAO Symposium, Rome 1966, FAO Fisheries Report, 44 (2), I/E-3
5029 Denyoh F.M.K. Symposium, congress... 1967 # 7 p.,2 tab.
Changes in fish population and gear selectivity in the Volta Lake.
In Obeng L.E. (ed.), Man-made Lakes : The Accra Symposium. Ghana University Press
5428 Denyoh F.M.K. Chapter 1969 # 206-219.