Diagne M.

Bibliographie associée

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L'organisation encéphalique chez trois poissons ganoides : Amie, lepisostee et polyptère.
Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes, Paris, 40 (3-4)
7367 Platel R., Ridet J.-M., Bauchot R., Diagne M. Journal 1976 # 710-711.
The epibranchial organ, its innervation and its probable functioning in Heterotis niloticus (Pisces, Teleostei, Osteoglossidae).
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 37
11411 Bauchot R., Ridet J.-M., Diagne M. Journal 1993 # 307-315.
Encephalization and brain organization of the fishes of the family Osteoglossidae.
Brain Research, 35, 1
11412 Bauchot R., Diagne M., Delfini C., Ridet J.-M. Journal 1994 # 143-151.