Don J.

Bibliographie associée

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The induction of triploidy in Oreochromis aureus by heat shock.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 72
9700 Don J., Avtalion R.R. Journal 1986 # 186-192.
Increased tilapia embryo viability using ultraviolet irradiation in a closed recirculatory zuger-bottle system.
Aquacultural Engineering, 6
9809 Don J., Koiller M., Yeheskel O., Avtalion R.R., Nussbaum K.E. Journal 1987 # 69-74.
Comparative study on the induction of triploidy in tilapias, using cold-and heat-shock techniques.
Journal of Fish Biology, 32 (5)
9900 Don J., Avtalion R.R. Journal 1988 # 665-672,2 fig.,3 tab.