El Bolock A.R.

Bibliographie associée

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Age, growth and survival of Tilapia mossambica (Peters) in Egyptian ponds.
Notes and Memoirs / Hydrobiological Department, Ministry of Agriculture, United Arab Republic, 41
3569 Koura R., El Bolock A.R. Journal 1958 # 1-18,6 fig.
Observations on age, growth and feeding habits of Clarias lazera Cuvier and Valenciennes, in barrage experimental ponds.
Notes and Memoirs / Hydrobiological Department, Ministry of Agriculture, United Arab Republic, 56
3880 El Bolock A.R., Koura R. Journal 1960 # 1-17.
Age, growth and breeding season of Tilapia zilli Gerv. in Egyptian experimental ponds.
Notes and Memoirs / Hydrobiological Department, Ministry of Agriculture, United Arab Republic, 49
4076 El Bolock A.R., Koura R. Journal 1961 a 36 p.,13 fig.,17 tab.
The age and growth of Tilapia galilaea Art., T. nilotica L. and T. zillii Gerv. from Beteha area (Syrian region).
Notes and Memoirs / Hydrobiological Department, Ministry of Agriculture, United Arab Republic, 59
4077 El Bolock A.R., Koura R. Journal 1961 b 27 p.,8 fig.,12 tab.
Catfish culture.
FAO Fisheries Culture Bulletin, 2 (1)
5443 El Bolock A.R. Journal 1969 # 7.
The use of vertebrae for determining age and growth of the Nile catfish Clarias lazera (Cuv. & Val.) in the A.R.E.
Bulletin of the Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries, Cairo, 2
6080 El Bolock A.R. Journal 1972 # 51-82,10 fig.,12 pl.,tab.
Studies on spawning and spawning behaviour of Clarias lazera, Cuv. et Val. in fish farms in the A. R. Egypt.
Bulletin - Zoological Society of Egypt, 25
6262 Aboul-Ela I., Amer F.I., El Bolock A.R. Journal 1973 # 25-33,fig.,5 pl.
Breeding and culture of Clarias.
FAO Aquaculture Bulletin, 5 (3-4)
6333 El Bolock A.R. Journal 1973 # 4.
Status of aquaculture in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
FAO/CIFA/75/SC, 11
6901 Eisawy A., El Bolock A.R. Report 1975 # 10.
Rearing of the Nile catfish, Clarias lazera, to marketable size in Egyptian experimental ponds.
6902 El Bolock A.R. Report 1975 a 1-8.
Studies on the biology and culture of Clarias lazera in Egyptian ponds.
Ph. D. Thesis, Cairo.
6903 El Bolock A.R. Thesis, dissertation... 1975 b
Some diseases of cultivated fishes in Egypt.
FAO/CIFA/75/SE, 14
6904 El Bolock A.R., El Samagawi D. Report 1975 # 4.