Ferguson J.

Bibliographie associée

idbiblio auteurs support annee ext. pages
Observation of a spawning of Synodontis multipunctatus among Rift Lake cichlids.
Buntbarsche Bulletin, 98
9171 Ferguson J. Journal 1983 # 13-16,fig.
Spotlight on Cichlids. Peacock cichlids. Part 1. (The Aulonocara review) and Part 2.
The Aquarist and Pondkeeper, 54 (2).
9953 Ferguson J., Trewavas E. Journal 1989 # 33-36,fig.
Spotlight on Cichlids. Peacock cichlids. Part 1. (The Aulonocara review) and Part 2.
The Aquarist and Pondkeeper, 54 (4).
9954 Ferguson J., Trewavas E. Journal 1989 # 15-17,11 fig.,1 tab.