Ferno A.

Bibliographie associée

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Sexual imprinting on another species in Haplochromis burtoni.
Revue du Comportement Animal, 7 (1)
6500 Sjölander S., Ferno A. Journal 1973 # 77-81.
The Effect of Social Isolation On the Aggressive and Sexual Behaviour in a Cichlid Fish, Haplochromis Burtoni.
Behaviour, 65, 1
10111 Ferno A. Journal 1978 # 43-61
The aggressive behaviour between territorial Astatotilapia burtoni (Pisces, Cichlidae) with unlimited or only visual contact emphasizing low-intensity aggression during free interaction.
Behavioural Processes, 13 (4)
9812 Ferno A. Journal 1987 # 36-384.