Fish G.R.

Bibliographie associée

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Digestion in Tilapia esculenta.
Nature, London, 167
2847 Fish G.R. Journal 1951 # 900-901,3 fig.
The food of Tilapia in East-Africa.
Comptes rendus du premier Symposium sur l'Hydrobiologie et la Pêche en Eau Douce en Afrique,. Entebbe, Publication CCTA/CSA, 6
3092 Fish G.R. Symposium, congress... 1954 # 72-76 (Abstr.).
The food of Tilapia in East Africa.
Uganda Journal, 19 (1)
3189 Fish G.R. Journal 1955 # 85-89.
Some aspects of the respiration of six species of fish from Uganda.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 33 (1)
3280 Fish G.R. Journal 1956 # 186-195