Gwahaba J.J.

Bibliographie associée

idbiblio auteurs support annee ext. pages
The biomass and distribution of organisms in Lake George, Uganda.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, (B) 3194
6302 Burgis M.J., Darlington J.P.E.C., Dunn I.G., Ganf G.G., Gwahaba J.J., Mcgowan L.M. Journal 1973 # 271-298.
Effects of fishing on the Tilapia nilotica (Linne, 1757) population in Lake George, Uganda over the past 20 years.
East African Wildlife Journal, 11 (3-4)
6370 Gwahaba J.J. Journal 1973 b 317-328,4 fig.,tab.
Population studies of the more abundant fish species in Lake George, Uganda.
Master of Science Thesis Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.
6371 Gwahaba J.J. Thesis, dissertation... 1973 a
The distribution, population density and biomass of fish in an equatorial lake, Lake George, Uganda.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 190 (1101)
6934 Gwahaba J.J. Journal 1975 # 393-414.
The biology of cichlid fishes (Teleostei) in an equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda).
Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 83 (4)
7830 Gwahaba J.J. Journal 1978 # 538-551.