Harding D.

Bibliographie associée

idbiblio auteurs support annee ext. pages
Fisheries in the Luapula province of Northern Rhodesia.
Government Printer Office, Salisbury, 1 (9)
3695 Harding D., Soulsby J.J. Journal 1959 # 10-24.
Preliminary observations on the effects of seasonal change in water condition on the fishery in the Bangweulu area of Northern Rhodesia.
Publication du Conseil Scientifique pour l'Afrique (CSA) au sud du Sahara, 63
3907 Harding D. Report 1960 # 86-96.
The selection of Clarias mossambicus (Peters) by nylon gillnets.
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 26 (1)
4104 Gulland J.A., Harding D. Journal 1961 # 215-222.
Research on Kariba.
Northern Rhodesia, Joint Fisheries Research Organization, 10
4232 Harding D. Journal 1962 # 32.
Report on the survey of northern Lake Nyasa 1954/1955 by the Joint Fisheries Research Organization.
Zomba, Nyasaland, Governement Printer
4388 Jackson P.B.N., Iles T.D., Harding D., Fryer G. Report 1963 # 171 p.,fig.,6 pl.
Research on Lake Kariba.
Report of the Joint Fisheries Research Organization of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 11
4541 Harding D. Journal 1964 b 25-51.
Hydrology and fisheries in Lake Kariba.
Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie, 15
4542 Harding D. Journal 1964 a 139-149.
Unique opportunities for research in the great lakes of Central Africa.
Nature, London, 206 (4979)
4673 Coulter G.W., Harding D., Eccles D.H., Bell-Cross G. Journal 1965 # 4-6.
Republic of Zambia. Ministery of lands and natural resources.
Fisheries Research Bulletin, Zambia.
4699 Harding D. Journal 1965 # 62 p.,tab.
Lake Kariba. The Hydrology and development of Fisheries.
In Lowe-McConnell R. (ed.), Man-made Lakes, Acad. Press, London & New-York
4882 Harding D. Chapter 1966 # 7-20,5 tab.