Hecht T.

Bibliographie associée

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A descriptive systematic study of the otoliths of the neopterygean marine fishes of South Africa. Part II. The delimitation of Teleost orders, some systematic notes and a provisional new phyletic order sequence.
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 43 (2)
7833 Hecht T., Hecht A. Journal 1978 # 199-218,37 fig.
Age growth, reproduction and mortality of the Butter-catfish Eutropius depressirostris (Pisces, Schilbeidae) in the Luphephe Nwanedzi impoundment, Venda (South Africa).
Journal of the Limnological Society of Southern Africa, 6 (1)
8416 Hecht T. Journal 1980 # 39-45.
Rearing of Sharptooth catfish larvae (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822 : Clariidae) under controlled conditions.
Aquaculture, 24 (3-4)
8655 Hecht T. Journal 1981 # 301-308.
A descriptive systematic study of the otoliths of the neopterygean marine fishes of South Africa. Part IV. Siluriformes and Myctophiformes.
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 44 (3)
8656 Hecht T., Hecht A. Journal 1981 # 401-440,fig.
The fishes of the Limpopo and Olifants Rivers tributaries (Limpopo drainage basin, South Africa). II. Annotated checklist of the fishes of the Mohlapitse tributary of the Olifants River.
University of the North (Pietersburg, South Africa), A (26)
8657 Hecht T., Mashego S.N. Journal 1981 # 1-12.
First record on the snake catfish Clarias theodorae (Weber, 1897) (Clariidae, Pisces) from the Transvaal, South Africa.
Journal of the Limnological Society of Southern Africa, 7 (2)
8658 Hecht T., Polling L., Saayman J.E. Journal 1981 # 57-58.
Further observations on the induced spawning of the sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus (Clariidae, Pisces).
WaterSA, 8 (2)
8926 Hecht T., Saayman J.E., Polling L. Journal 1982 # 101-107.
The fishes of the Limpopo and Olifants River Tributaries (Limpopo drainage basin. III. Annotated checklist of the fishes of the Nwanedi tributary of the Limpopo River.
University of the North (Pietersburg, South Africa), A (29)
9203 Hecht T., Polling L., Mokgalong N.M. Journal 1983 # 1-9,fig. 1.
The fishes of the Limpopo and Olifants Rivers tributaries, Limpopo drainage basin, South Africa. IV. Annotated checklist of the fishes of the Steelpoort tributary of the Olifants River.
University of the North (Pietersburg, South Africa), A (28)
9204 Hecht T., Scholtz A.T.J. Journal 1983 # 1-11.
Croissance des poissons d'eau douce africains (Growth of African freshwater fishes).
In Lévêque C., Bruton M.HN. & Ssentongo G.W. (eds) Biologie et écologie des poissons d'eau douce africains. Éditions de l'ORSTOM, Collection Travaux & Documents, 216, 508 p.
10830 Mérona (de) B., Hecht T., Moreau J. Chapter 1988 # 191-219.
Age and growth of Sandelia bainsii Castelnau (Pisces: Anabantidae) in the Tyume River, Eastern Cape (South Africa).
South African Journal of Zoology, 23, 4
11524 Mayekiso M., Hecht T. Journal 1988 a 295-300.
Conservation status of the anabantid Sandelia bainsii in the Tyume River, South Africa.
South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 18, 3
11525 Mayekiso M., Hecht T. Journal 1988 b 101-108.
Croissance des poissons d'eau douce africains (Growth of African freshwater fishes).
In Lévêque C., Bruton M.HN. & Ssentongo G.W. (eds) Biologie et écologie des poissons d'eau douce africains. Éditions de l'ORSTOM, Collection Travaux & Documents, 216, 508 p.
12009 Mérona B. de, Hecht T., Moreau J. Chapter 1988 # 191-219.
The Port Alfred fishery: a description and preliminary evaluation of a commercial linefishery on the South African east coast.
South African Journal of Marine Science, 8
10626 Hecht T., Tilney R.L. Journal 1989 # 103-117.
The food and feeding habits of two co-occuring marine catfish Galeichthys feliceps and G. ater (Osteichthyes: Ariidae) along the south-east coast of South Africa.
Journal of Zoology, 221
10630 Tilney R.L., Hecht T. Journal 1990 # 171-193.
The effect of stocking density on growth, survival and agonistic behaviour of African catfish.
Aquaculture International, 3
10831 Kaiser H., Weyl O.L.F., Hecht T. Journal 1995 # 217-225.
A succesful population of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, in a subtropical lake in Mozambique.
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 54, 1
10845 Weyl O.L.F., Hecht T. Journal 1999 # 53-66.