Heiligenberg W.

Bibliographie associée

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Ursachen f r das Auftreten von Instinktbewegungen bei einem Fische (Pelmatochromis subocellatus kribensis Boul. Cichlidae).
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie, 47
4380 Heiligenberg W. Journal 1963 # 339-380,20 fig.
Ein Versuch zur ganzhertsbezogenen Analyse des Instinktverhaltens eines Fischen (Pelmatochromis subocellatus kribensis Boul. Cichlidae).
Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, 21 (1)
4543 Heiligenberg W. Journal 1964 # 1-52,40 fig.
A quantitative analysis of digging movements and their relationship to agressive behaviour in Cichlids.
Animal Behaviour, 13
4700 Heiligenberg W. Journal 1965 a 163-170,8 fig.
Colour polymorphism in the males of an African cichlid fish.
Journal of Zoology, 146
4701 Heiligenberg W. Journal 1965 b 95-97,1 fig.
The suppression of behavioral activities by frightening stimuli.
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie, 50
4702 Heiligenberg W. Journal 1965 c 660-672,fig.
Aggressiveness as a function of external stimulation.
Journal of Comparative Physiology, 77 (3)
6106 Heiligenberg W., Kramer U. Journal 1972 # 332-340.
The angular orientation of the black eye-bar in Haplochromis burtoni (Cichlidae : Pisces) and its relevance to aggressivity.
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie, 76 (2)
6107 Heiligenberg W., Kramer U., Schulz V. Journal 1972 # 168-176.
Random processes describing the occurrence of behavioural patterns in a cichlid fish.
Animal Behaviour, 21 (1)
6380 Heiligenberg W. Journal 1973 # 169-182.
Processes governing behavioural states of readiness.
Advances in the Study of Behavior, 5
6648 Heiligenberg W. Journal 1974 # 173-200.
Comparison of the jamming avoidance responses in Gymnotoid and Gymnarchid electric fish : A case of convergent evolution of behavior and its sensory basis.
Journal of Comparative Physiology, 103 (1)
6876 Bullock T.H., Behrend K., Heiligenberg W. Journal 1975 # 97-121,10 fig.,tab.
Electrolocation and jamming avoidance in the electric fish Gymnarchus niloticus (Gymnarchidae, Mormyriformes).
Journal of Comparative Physiology, 103 (1)
6945 Heiligenberg W. Journal 1975 # 55-67.
The interaction of stimulus patterns controlling aggressiveness in the cichlid fish Haplochromis burtoni.
Animal Behaviour, 24 (2)
7276 Heiligenberg W. Journal 1976 b 452-458.
Electrolocation and jamming avoidance in the mormyrid fish Brienomyrus.
Journal of Comparative Physiology, 109 (3)
7277 Heiligenberg W. Journal 1976 # 357-372