Ilan Z.

Bibliographie associée

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Effect of p2p' DDT on osmoregulation of Tilapia aurea (Teleostei).
Israel Journal of Zoology, 25
7286 Ilan Z., Yaron Z. Journal 1976 # 210-211.
An ultrastructural study of the mitochondria-rich 'chloride' cells from the gills of freshwater and seawater adapted Tilapia aurea subjected to a pesticide.
Journal of Fish Biology, 11 (6)
7520 Coleman R., Yaron Z., Ilan Z. Journal 1977 # 589-594,2 pl.
Suppression of inter-renal function by o,p7 DDT in Tilapia aurea (Teleostei : Cichlidae).
Israel Journal of Zoology, 26
7567 Ilan Z., Yaron Z. Journal 1977 # 265-266.
Stimulation of cortisol secretion in vitro from the interrenal tissue of the cichlid fish Sarotherodon aureus by adrenocorticotropin or cyclic AMP.
Journal of Endocrinology, 86
8428 Ilan Z., Yaron Z. Journal 1980 a 277.
Suppression by organochlorines of the interrrenal tissue in Sarotherodon aureus (Teleostei).
Journal of Endocrinology, 87
8429 Ilan Z., Yaron Z. Journal 1980 b 185-193.
Interference of o,p'DDD with interrenal function and cortisol metabolism in Sarotherodon aureus (Steindachner).
Journal of Fish Biology, 22 (6)
9222 Ilan Z., Yaron Z. Journal 1983 # 657-669.
Steroid hormones in the tilapia species Oreochromis aureus and O. niloticus.
In Fishelson L. & Yaron . (eds), Proceedings of tthe international symposium on tilapia in aquaculture. Tel Aviv University Press, Tel Aviv
9358 Yaron Z., Ilan Z., Bogomolnaya A., Blauer Z., Vermaak J.F. Chapter 1983 # 153-164.