Ita E.-O.B.

Bibliographie associée

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Approaches to the Evaluation and Management of the Fish stock in Kainji Lake, Nigeria.
African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries, special issue 1
6388 Ita E.-O.B. Journal 1973 # 35-52.
An analysis of fish distribution on Kainji Lake, Nigeria.
Hydrobiologia, 58 (3)
7849 Ita E.-O.B. Journal 1978 # 233-244.
Characterization ofnematode infestation on Parachanna obscura (Günther, 1861) (Channidae) and infection in the blood.
Aquaculture Studies, 20, 1
11571 Ajah P.O., Ita E.-O.B., Allison N.L. Journal 2020 # 55-64.