Jensen K.W.

Bibliographie associée

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Determination of age and growth of Tilapia nilotica L., T. galilaea Art, T. zillii Gerv. and Lates niloticus C. et V. by means of their scales.
Forhandlinger - Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab, 30 (24)
3431 Jensen K.W. Journal 1957 # 150-157,8 fig.
Limnological and fishery investigations of the Nozha Hydrodrome near Alexandria, Egypt, 1954-56.
Notes and Memoirs / Hydrobiological Department, Ministry of Agriculture, United Arab Republic, 43
3883 Elster H.J., Jensen K.W., Et Al. Journal 1960 # 99 p.,40 tab.,28 fig.