Kawanabe H.

Bibliographie associée

idbiblio auteurs support annee ext. pages
Territorial behaviour of Tropheus moorei (Osteichthyes : Cichlidae) with a preliminary consideration on the territorial forms in animals.
African Study Monographs, 1
8682 Kawanabe H. Journal 1981 # 101-108,5 fig.
Cooperative feeding among cichlid fishes in rocky shores of Lake Tanganyika.
Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie, 22 (4)
9586 Kawanabe H., Hori M., Takamura K. Journal 1985 # 2661 (abstract).
Cooperative study on the ecology of Lake Tanganyika between Japanese and African Scientists, with special reference to mutual interactions among fishes.
Physiology and Ecology Japan, 23 (2)
9730 Kawanabe H. Journal 1986 # 119-128.