Kawanabe H. |
Bibliographie associée
idbiblio | auteurs | support | annee | ext. | pages |
Territorial behaviour of Tropheus moorei (Osteichthyes : Cichlidae) with a preliminary consideration on the territorial forms in animals.
African Study Monographs, 1 |
8682 | Kawanabe H. | Journal | 1981 | # | 101-108,5 fig. |
Cooperative feeding among cichlid fishes in rocky shores of Lake Tanganyika.
Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie, 22 (4) |
9586 | Kawanabe H., Hori M., Takamura K. | Journal | 1985 | # | 2661 (abstract). |
Cooperative study on the ecology of Lake Tanganyika between Japanese and African Scientists, with special reference to mutual interactions among fishes.
Physiology and Ecology Japan, 23 (2) |
9730 | Kawanabe H. | Journal | 1986 | # | 119-128. |