Klee A.J.

Bibliographie associée

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Under the Cover glass.
Aquarium Journal, 31 (12)
3929 Klee A.J. Journal 1960 # 616-618.
The christyi-cognatum problem revised.
American Killifish Association, Killi Notes, 2 (1)
4399 Klee A.J. Journal 1963 a 8-12,3 fig.
The most peculiar Killi.
American Killifish Association, Killi Notes, 2 (2)
4400 Klee A.J. Journal 1963 b 17-20,4 fig.
Aphyosemion striatum vs. Aphyosemion lujae.
Tropicals Chicago, 7 (5)
4401 Klee A.J. Journal 1963 c 34.
Erythrophoroma Nothobranchius.
Tropicals Chicago, 8 (4)
4555 Klee A.J. Journal 1964 # 26.
Aphyosemion spurelli.
Aquarium Journal, 23
4556 Klee A.J., Turner B.J. Journal 1964 # 590.
A quick review of Nothobranchius.
Journal of the American Killifish Association, 2 (2)
4712 Klee A.J. Journal 1965 # 11-16,2 fig.
Of Cichlids and names.
The Aquarium, New Jersey, 2 (12)
5481 Klee A.J. Journal 1969 # 50-55,2 pl.