Lauder G.V.

Bibliographie associée

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The protractor pectoralis muscle and the classification of teleost fishes.
Bulletin of the British Museum National History (Zoology), 41 (4)
8646 Greenwood P.H., Lauder G.V. Journal 1981 # 213-234.
Kinematics of the tongue-bite apparatus in Osteglossomorph fishes.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 154
11496 Sanford C.P.J., Lauder G.V. Journal 1990 # 137-162.
The C-start escape response of Polypterus senegalus: bilateral muscle activity and variation during stage 1 and 2.
The Journal of Experimental Biology, 205
12133 Tytell E.D., Lauder G.V. Journal 2002 # 2591-2603.