Matthiessen P. |
Bibliographie associée
idbiblio | auteurs | support | annee | ext. | pages |
Haematological changes in fish following aerial spraying with endosulfan insecticide for tsetse fly control in Botswana.
Journal of Fish Biology, 18 (4) |
8719 | Matthiessen P. | Journal | 1981 | # | 461-469,5 fig.,2 tab. |
Histopathological changes in the liver and brain of fish exposed to endosulfan insecticide during tsetse fly control operations in Botswana.
Journal of Fish Diseases, 5 (2) |
8978 | Matthiessen P., Roberts R.J. | Journal | 1982 | # | 153-159. |
Histopathological changes in the liver and brain of fish exposed to endosulfan insecticide durind tsetse fly control operations in Botswana.
Journal of Fish Diseases, 5 (2) |
8979 | Matthiessen P., Roberts R.J. | Journal | 1982 | # | 153-159. |