Mayer R.F.

Bibliographie associée

idbiblio auteurs support annee ext. pages
Ctenopoma oxyrhynchus Boulenger.
Aquarium Society of Philadelphia, 23 (3)
3125 Mayer R.F. Journal 1954 a 84-85.
Epiplatys senegalensis Steindachner.
Aquarium Society of Philadelphia, 23 (5)
3126 Mayer R.F. Journal 1954 b 148-149.
Ichthyological results of the Roumanian Trans African expedition, 1971, Siluriformes.
Buletinul Institutului de Cercetäri Piscicole, 31 (3-4)
6163 Mayer R.F., Nalbant T.T. Journal 1972 # 59-66.