Mbomba N.B.

Bibliographie associée

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Comparative morphology of the feeding apparatus in cichlidian algal feeders of Lake Tanganyika.
African Study Monographs, 3
9259 Mbomba N.B. Journal 1983 # 1-23,10 fig.,7 tab.
Comparative feeding ecology of 11 sympatric species of cichlid algal feeders in Lake Tanganyika with reference to their developmental stages.
Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie, 22 (4)
9604 Mbomba N.B. Journal 1985 # 2662 (abstract).
Comparative feeding ecology of Aufwuchs eating cichlid fishes in Lake Tanganyika with reference to their developmental changes.
Physiology and Ecology Japan, 23 (2)
9744 Mbomba N.B. Journal 1986 # 79-108,8 fig.,2 tab.,2 app.
Environmental variables structuring Labeo species (Pisces, Cyprinidae) in Malebo Pool, Congo River.
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 5, 2
13353 Pwema V.K., Mbomba N.B., Pigneur L.-M., Takoy A.L., Micha J.-C. Journal 2011 # 507-514.
Comparison of the diet of two species of Labeo (Cyprinidae): a rheophilic one, Labeo sorex and a limnophilic one, Labeo lineatus in the Malebo Pool (Congo River).
Congo Sciences, 3, 1
13354 Pwema V.K., Mbomba N.B., Takoy A.L., Malekani J.M., Micha J.-C. Journal 2015 # 24-30.