Moriarty C.M.

Bibliographie associée

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Feeding of herbivorous fish in Lake George, Uganda.
Master of Philosophy Thesis, University Nottingham
6443 Moriarty C.M. Thesis, dissertation... 1973 #
Quantitative estimation of the daily ingestion of phytoplankton by Tilapia nilotica and Haplochromis nigripinnis in Lake George, Uganda.
Journal of Zoology, 171
6444 Moriarty C.M., Moriarty D.J.W. Journal 1973 a 15-23.
Feeding and grazing in Lake George, Uganda.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, (B) 184 (1076)
6445 Moriarty D.J.W., Darlington J.P.E.C., Dunn I.G., Moriarty C.M., Tevlin M .P. Journal 1973 # 299-319,12 fig.,7 tab.
The assimilation of carbon from phytoplankton by two herbivorous fishes : Tilapia nilotica and Haplochromis nigripinnis.
Journal of Zoology, 171
6447 Moriarty D.J.W., Moriarty C.M. Journal 1973 b 41-55.