Ochi H.

Bibliographie associée

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Food intake by mouthbrooding females of Cyphotilapia frontosa (Cichlidae) to feed both themselves and their young.
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 30, 3
10158 Yanagisawa Y., Ochi H. Journal 1991 # 353-358, 2 fig., 1 tab.
The first record of a biparental mouthbrooding catfish.
Journal of Fish Biology, 57, 6
10790 Ochi H., Rossiter A., Yanagisawa Y. Journal 2000 # 1601-1604.
Nest building and brooding behavior of the bagrid catfish, Auchenoglanis occidentalis (Valenciennes, 1840), in Lake Tanganyika.
Copeia, 2001, 2
10723 Ochi H., Kanda T., Yanagisawa Y. Journal 2001 # 566-570.
Paternal mouthbrooding bagrid catfishes in Lake Tanganyika.
Ichthyological Research, 49, 3
10725 Ochi H., Rossiter A., Yanagisawa Y. Journal 2002 # 270-273.