Osse J.W.M.

Bibliographie associée

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Biological versatility, evolution and food resource exploitation in African cichlid evolution.
American Zoologist, 15 (2)
7010 Liem K.F., Osse J.W.M. Journal 1975 # 427-454,18 fig.
The barbs (Barbus spp.) of Lake Tana: a forgotten species flock?
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 39
13345 Nagelkerke L.A.J., Sibbing F.A., van den Boogaart J.G.M., Osse J.W.M. Journal 1994 # 1-22.
Morphological divergence during growth in the large barbs (Barbus spp.) of Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 45, 3-4
13212 Nagelkerke L.A.J., Sibbing F.A., Osse J.W.M. Journal 1995 a 431-454.
In Lake Tana, a unique fish fauna needs protection; These Ethiopian barbs constitute the only cyprinid species flock known that has not been damaged by human influences.
BioScience, 45, 11
13346 Nagelkerke L.A.J., Mina M.V., Wudneh T., Sibbing F.A., Osse J.W.M. Journal 1995 b 772-775.
Chapter 2: The barbs (Barbus spp.) of Lake Tana: a forgotten species flock?:
In: The barbs of Lake Tana, Ethiopia: morphological diversity and its implications for taxonomy, trophic resource partitioning, and fisheries, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 298 p.
13165 Nagelkerke L.A.J., Sibbing F.A., van den Boogaart J.G.M., Dean J.M., Osse J.W.M. Thesis, dissertation... 1997 a 31-55,
Chapter 3: Morphological divergence during growth in the large barbs (Barbus spp.) of Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
In: The barbs of Lake Tana, Ethiopia: morphological diversity and its implications for taxonomy, trophic resource partitioning, and fisheries, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 298 p.
13166 Nagelkerke L.A.J., Sibbing F.A., Osse J.W.M. Thesis, dissertation... 1997 b 57-78.
Chapter 8: In Lake Tana, a unique fish fauna needs protection.
In: The barbs of Lake Tana, Ethiopia: morphological diversity and its implications for taxonomy, trophic resource partitioning, and fisheries, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 298 p.
13171 Nagelkerke L.A.J., Mina M.V., Wudneh T., Sibbing F.A., Osse J.W.M. Thesis, dissertation... 1997 c 263-269.
Speciation of endemic Lake Tana barbs (Cyprinidae, Ethiopia) driven by trophic resource partitioning; a molecular and ecomorphological approach.
Aquatic Ecology, 32
13364 Sibbing F.A., Nagelkerke L.A.J., Stet R.J.M., Osse J.W.M. Journal 1998 # 217-227.
Barbus tanapelagius, a new species from Lake Tana (Ethiopia): its morphology and ecology.
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 59
13100 de Graaf M., Dejen E., Mulimbwa N'Sibula T., Osse J.W.M. Journal 2000 a 1-9.
The piscivorous barbs of Lake Tana (Ethiopia). Major questions on their evolution and exploitation.
Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 50, 2
13178 de Graaf M., Dejen E., Sibbing F.A., Osse J.W.M. Journal 2000 b 215-223.
The 'small barbs' Barbus humilis and B. trispilopleura of Lake Tana (Ethiopia): are they ecotypes of the same species?
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 65
13305 Dejen E., Rutjes A.R., de Graaf M., Nagelkerke L.A.J., Osse J.W.M., Sibbing F.A. Journal 2002 # 373-386.
Lacustrine spawning: is this a new reproductive strategy among 'large' African cyprinid fishes?
Journal of Fish Biology, 66, 5
13172 de Graaf M., Nentwich E.D., Osse J.W.M., Sibbing F.A. Journal 2005 # 1214-1236.
Adaptive radiation of Lake Tana's (Ethiopia) Labeobarbus species flock (Pisces, Cyprinidae).
Marine and Freshwater Research, 59
13302 de Graaf M., Dejen E., Osse J.W.M., Sibbing F.A. Journal 2008 # 391-407.
Diversification of prey capture techniques among the piscivores in Lake Tana's (Ethiopia) Labeobarbus species flock (Cyprinidae).
African Zoology, 45, 1
13304 de Graaf M., van de Weerd G.H., Osse J.W.M., Sibbing F.A. Journal 2010 c 32-40.