Osse J.W.M. |
Bibliographie associée
idbiblio | auteurs | support | annee | ext. | pages |
Biological versatility, evolution and food resource exploitation in African cichlid evolution.
American Zoologist, 15 (2) |
7010 | Liem K.F., Osse J.W.M. | Journal | 1975 | # | 427-454,18 fig. |
The barbs (Barbus spp.) of Lake Tana: a forgotten species flock?
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 39 " |
13345 | Nagelkerke L.A.J., Sibbing F.A., van den Boogaart J.G.M., Osse J.W.M. | Journal | 1994 | # | 1-22. |
Morphological divergence during growth in the large barbs (Barbus spp.) of Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 45, 3-4 " |
13212 | Nagelkerke L.A.J., Sibbing F.A., Osse J.W.M. | Journal | 1995 | a | 431-454. |
In Lake Tana, a unique fish fauna needs protection; These Ethiopian barbs constitute the only cyprinid species flock known that has not been damaged by human influences.
BioScience, 45, 11 " |
13346 | Nagelkerke L.A.J., Mina M.V., Wudneh T., Sibbing F.A., Osse J.W.M. | Journal | 1995 | b | 772-775. |
Chapter 2: The barbs (Barbus spp.) of Lake Tana: a forgotten species flock?:
In: The barbs of Lake Tana, Ethiopia: morphological diversity and its implications for taxonomy, trophic resource partitioning, and fisheries, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 298 p. " |
13165 | Nagelkerke L.A.J., Sibbing F.A., van den Boogaart J.G.M., Dean J.M., Osse J.W.M. | Thesis, dissertation... | 1997 | a | 31-55, |
Chapter 3: Morphological divergence during growth in the large barbs (Barbus spp.) of Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
In: The barbs of Lake Tana, Ethiopia: morphological diversity and its implications for taxonomy, trophic resource partitioning, and fisheries, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 298 p. " |
13166 | Nagelkerke L.A.J., Sibbing F.A., Osse J.W.M. | Thesis, dissertation... | 1997 | b | 57-78. |
Chapter 8: In Lake Tana, a unique fish fauna needs protection.
In: The barbs of Lake Tana, Ethiopia: morphological diversity and its implications for taxonomy, trophic resource partitioning, and fisheries, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 298 p. " |
13171 | Nagelkerke L.A.J., Mina M.V., Wudneh T., Sibbing F.A., Osse J.W.M. | Thesis, dissertation... | 1997 | c | 263-269. |
Speciation of endemic Lake Tana barbs (Cyprinidae, Ethiopia) driven by trophic resource partitioning; a molecular and ecomorphological approach.
Aquatic Ecology, 32 " |
13364 | Sibbing F.A., Nagelkerke L.A.J., Stet R.J.M., Osse J.W.M. | Journal | 1998 | # | 217-227. |
Barbus tanapelagius, a new species from Lake Tana (Ethiopia): its morphology and ecology.
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 59 " |
13100 | de Graaf M., Dejen E., Mulimbwa N'Sibula T., Osse J.W.M. | Journal | 2000 | a | 1-9. |
The piscivorous barbs of Lake Tana (Ethiopia). Major questions on their evolution and exploitation.
Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 50, 2 " |
13178 | de Graaf M., Dejen E., Sibbing F.A., Osse J.W.M. | Journal | 2000 | b | 215-223. |
The 'small barbs' Barbus humilis and B. trispilopleura of Lake Tana (Ethiopia): are they ecotypes of the same species?
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 65 " |
13305 | Dejen E., Rutjes A.R., de Graaf M., Nagelkerke L.A.J., Osse J.W.M., Sibbing F.A. | Journal | 2002 | # | 373-386. |
Lacustrine spawning: is this a new reproductive strategy among 'large' African cyprinid fishes?
Journal of Fish Biology, 66, 5 " |
13172 | de Graaf M., Nentwich E.D., Osse J.W.M., Sibbing F.A. | Journal | 2005 | # | 1214-1236. |
Adaptive radiation of Lake Tana's (Ethiopia) Labeobarbus species flock (Pisces, Cyprinidae).
Marine and Freshwater Research, 59 " |
13302 | de Graaf M., Dejen E., Osse J.W.M., Sibbing F.A. | Journal | 2008 | # | 391-407. |
Diversification of prey capture techniques among the piscivores in Lake Tana's (Ethiopia) Labeobarbus species flock (Cyprinidae).
African Zoology, 45, 1 " |
13304 | de Graaf M., van de Weerd G.H., Osse J.W.M., Sibbing F.A. | Journal | 2010 | c | 32-40. |