Beadle L.C.

Bibliographie associée

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Scientific results of the Cambridge Expedition to the East African Lakes, 1930-31. 4. The waters of some East African Lakes in relation to their fauna and flora.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 38
2112 Beadle L.C. Journal 1932 a 157-211.
Scientific results of the Cambridge expedition to the East African lakes, 1930-31. Observations on the bionomics of some East African swamps.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 38
2113 Beadle L.C. Journal 1932 b 135-151.
The biology of papyrus swamps.
Comptes rendus du Symposium sur l'Hydrobiologie et la Pêche en Eau Douce en Afrique. Entebbe. Publication CCTA/CSA
2905 Beadle L.C. Journal 1952 # 107-111.
The evolution of species in the Lakes of East Africa.
Uganda Journal, 26
4194 Beadle L.C. Journal 1962 # 44-54.
Prolonged stratification and deoxygenation in tropical lakes. I. Crater lake Nkugute, Uganda, compared with lakes Bunyoni and Edward.
Limnology and Oceanography, 11
4823 Beadle L.C. Journal 1966 # 152-163.
The inland waters of tropical Africa, an introduction to tropical limnology.
Longman, London
6570 Beadle L.C. Book 1974 # 365 p.,87 fig.
The inland waters of tropical Africa. An introduction to tropical limnology.
Longman, London and New York, 2nd edition
10059 Beadle L.C. Book 1981 # 475 p.