Paperna I.

Bibliographie associée

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Studies on monogenetic trematodes in Israël. 2. Monogenetic trematodes of cichlids.
Bamidgeh, 12 (1)
3981 Paperna I. Journal 1960 # 20-33,9 fig.
Studies on monogenetic trematodes in Israël. 3. Monogenetic trematodes of the Cyprinidae and Clariidae of the lake of Galilee.
Bamidgeh, 13 (1)
4148 Paperna I. Journal 1961 # 14-29,25 fig.,5 tab.
Enterogyrus cichlidarum n.gen., n.sp., a monogenetic trematode parasitic in the intestine of a fish.
Bulletin of the Research Council of Israël, 11 (4)
4423 Paperna I. Journal 1963 # 183-187,3 fig.
Monogenetic trematodes collected from fresh water fish in southern Ghana.
Bamidgeh, 17 (4)
4746 Paperna I. Journal 1965 # 107-111,3 fig.
Monogenetic trematodes (Dactylogyridae) from fish in Uganda.
Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine, 78 (3-4)
5308 Paperna I., Thurston J.P. Journal 1968 # 284-294,20 fig.
Monogenetic trematodes of the fish of the Volta basin and South Ghana.
Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire, (A) 31
5520 Paperna I. Journal 1969 a 840-880,104 fig.
Monogenea of the subfamily Heteronchocleidinae, Price, 1968 (Dactylogyridae) from African freshwater fish.
Parasitology, 59
5521 Paperna I. Journal 1969 b 557-561,15 fig.
Parasitic Crustacea from fishes of the Volta basin and South Ghana.
Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine, 80 (1-2)
5522 Paperna I. Journal 1969 c 208-216,4 fig.
Redescription of Bagrobdella auchenoglanii Paperna, 1969.
Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine, 83
5928 Paperna I. Journal 1971 # 141-146.
New records and further data on fish parasites in Israël .
Bamidgeh, 23 (2)
5929 Paperna I., Lahav M. Journal 1971 # 43-52,7 fig.,1 tab.
New species of Monogenea (Vermes) from African freshwater fishes. A preliminary report.
Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine, 87 (3)
6459 Paperna I. Journal 1973 # 505-518.
Hosts, distribution and pathology of infections with larvae of Eustrongylides (Dioctophymidae, Nematoda) in fishes from East African lakes.
Journal of Fish Biology, 6 (1)
6730 Paperna I. Journal 1974 # 67-76,5 tab.,2 pl.
Skin epithelioma in the electric catfish Malapterurus electricus from lake Albert, East Africa.
Copeia, 2
7050 Paperna I. Journal 1975 # 374-377,8 fig.
Monogenea of inland water fish in Africa.
Annales du Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale, Sciences Zoologiques, 226
8222 Paperna I. Journal 1979 # 1-131,fig.,pl.
Limnology of the Nzvia River in Western Kenya. II. Fish, fish parasites and the benthic fauna.
Revue de Zoologie Africaine, 93 (3)
8229 Petr T., Paperna I. Journal 1979 # 539-567.
Ultrastructural studies on piscine epitheliocystis : evidence for a pleomorphic developmental cycle.
Journal of Fish Diseases, 4
8742 Paperna I., Sanbai I., Zachary A. Journal 1981 # 459-472.
Parasites, infections et maladies du poisson en Afrique.
Document CPCA/T7, FAO, Rome
9005 Paperna I. Report 1982 # 202 p.
Trichodinid ectoparasites of cichlid and cyprinid fishes in South Africa and Israël.
Systematic Parasitology, 5 (4)
9117 Basson L., Van As J.G., Paperna I. Journal 1983 # 245-257.
Evaluation of nitrofurazone baths in the treatment of bacterial infections of Sparus aurata and Oreochromis mossambicus.
Aquaculture, 35 (3)
9151 Colorni A., Paperna I. Journal 1983 # 181-186.
Goussia cichlidarum n.sp. (Barrouxiidae, Apicomplexa), a coccidian parasite in the swimbladder of cichlid fish.
Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde, 71 (2)
9592 Landsberg J.H., Paperna I. Journal 1985 # 199-212.
Intestinal infections by Eimeria (s.l.) vanasi n.sp. (Eimeriidae, Apicomplexa, Protozoa) in cichlid fish.
Annales de Parasitologie humaine et comparée, 62 (4)
9832 Landsberg J.H., Paperna I. Journal 1987 # 283-293.
Parasites, infections and diseases of fishes in Africa. An update.
FAO, Rome, CIFA Technical Paper, 31
10681 Paperna I. Report 1996 # 220 p.
Parasites, infections and diseases of fishes in Africa. An update.
FAO, Rome, CIFA Technical Paper, 31
11921 Paperna I. Report 1996 # 220 p.