Begg G.W.

Bibliographie associée

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A note on the successful introduction of Limnothrissa miodon Boulenger, the Lake Tanganyika sardine to Lake Kariba.
Limnological Society of Southern Africa : newsletter, 16
5874 Junor F.J.R., Begg G.W. Journal 1971 # 8-14,3 fig.
The feeding habits of the whitewinged black tern on Lake Kariba.
Ostrich, 44 (3-4)
6283 Begg G.W. Journal 1973 # 149-153.
The relationship between the diurnal movements of some of the zooplankton and the sardine Limnothrissa miodon in Lake Kariba, Rhodesia.
Limnology and Oceanography, 21 (4)
7189 Begg G.W. Journal 1976 b 529-539.
Some notes on the Sandvlei fish fauna, Muizenberg, Cape.
Piscator, 96
7190 Begg G.W. Journal 1976 a 5-14.