Roberts R.J.

Bibliographie associée

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Effects of starvation on the melano-macrophage centres of fish.
Journal of Fish Biology, 19 (2)
8558 Agius C., Roberts R.J. Journal 1981 # 161-169,3 fig.,1 tab.
Histopathological changes in the liver and brain of fish exposed to endosulfan insecticide during tsetse fly control operations in Botswana.
Journal of Fish Diseases, 5 (2)
8978 Matthiessen P., Roberts R.J. Journal 1982 # 153-159.
Histopathological changes in the liver and brain of fish exposed to endosulfan insecticide durind tsetse fly control operations in Botswana.
Journal of Fish Diseases, 5 (2)
8979 Matthiessen P., Roberts R.J. Journal 1982 # 153-159.
Diseases in tilapias.
In Pullin R.S.V. & Lowe McConnell R. (eds), The biology and culture of Tilapias, Manila.
9028 Roberts R.J., Sommerville C. Chapter 1982 # 247-263.