Benda R.S. |
Bibliographie associée
idbiblio | auteurs | support | annee | ext. | pages |
Analysis of catch data from 1968 to 1976 from nine fish landings in the Kenya waters of Lake Victoria.
Journal of Fish Biology, 15 (4) |
8057 | Benda R.S. | Journal | 1979 | # | 385-387. |
A comparison of bottom trawl catch rates in the Kenya waters of Lake Victoria.
Journal of Fish Biology, 18 (5) |
8569 | Benda R.S. | Journal | 1981 | # | 609-613. |
Exploitation of fish in the Inner Kavirondo Gulf of Lake Victoria based on tag returns.
Journal of Fish Biology, 20 |
8994 | Muller R.G., Benda R.S., Powell T.G. | Journal | 1982 | # | 667-671. |
Exploitation of fish in the inner Kavirondo Gulf of Lake Victoria based on tag returns.
Journal of Fish Biology, 20 (6) |
8995 | Muller R.G., Benda R.S., Powell T.G. | Journal | 1982 | # | 667-671,7 tab. |