Saleh H.H.

Bibliographie associée

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Fat metabolism in Tilapia zillii Gerv. 1. Seasonal variation in the general condition and feeding activity of Tilapia zillii from Lake Mariut.
Bulletin of the Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries, Cairo, 2
6081 El Maghraby A.M., Ezzat A., Saleh H.H. Journal 1972 a 297-313.
Fat metabolism in Tilapia zillii Gerv. 2. Fat metabolism in Tilapia zillii in relation to feeding and breeding activities.
Bulletin of the Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries, Cairo, 2
6082 El Maghraby A.M., Ezzat A., Saleh H.H. Journal 1972 b 315-332.
A comparative study of the length-weight equation and the condition factor of Tilapia zillii from Lake Mariut, Egypt.
Marine Biology, 12 (3)
6213 Saleh H.H. Journal 1972 # 255-260.
Absorption of 45CaCl2, 203HgCl2 and 14C labelled DDT by Tilapia zilli Gerv. in fresh and salt water.
Journées d'Études sur les Pollutions Marines en Méditerranée, Monaco, 5
8770 Saleh H.H. Journal 1981 # 621-625.
Mortality of fish exposed to water from the Tabia Pumping station, Egypt.
Journées d'Études sur les Pollutions Marines en Méditerranée, Monaco, 6
9301 Saleh H.H. Journal 1983 a 765-770.
Effect of aquatic environmental pollution in the general condition of fish.
Journées d'Études sur les Pollutions Marines en Méditerranée, Monaco, 6
9302 Saleh H.H. Journal 1983 b 771-773.