Shaw E.S.

Bibliographie associée

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Factors influencing embryonic survival outside of the mouth of the oral incubating fish, Tilapia macrocephala.
Anatomical Record, 108 (3) (abstr.)
2822 Shaw E.S. Journal 1950 # 550-551 (abstr.).
Further studies on the extra-oral embryonic survival of the mouth- breeding fish, Tilapia macrocephala.
Anatomical Record, 111 (3)
2893 Shaw E.S. Journal 1951 # 449-450.
Oral incubation in Tilapia macrocephala 1.Embryological studies by Shaw, E.S. 2. Experimental studies by Shaw, E.S. & Aronson, L.R.
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 103 (5)
3147 Shaw E.S., Aronson L.R. Journal 1954 # 375-416,4 fig.,18 tab.,pl. 35-37.
Two weeks in fathers' Mouth.
Natural History, New York, 65
3350 Shaw E.S. Journal 1956 # 152-153,13 fig.