Siddiqui A.Q.

Bibliographie associée

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Lake Naivasha (Kenya, East Africa) fishery and its management together with a note on the food habits of fishes.
Biological Conservation, 12 (3)
7673 Siddiqui A.Q. Journal 1977 a 217-228.
Reproductive biology, length-weight relationship and relative condition of Tilapia leucosticta (Trewavas) in Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
Journal of Fish Biology, 10 (3)
7674 Siddiqui A.Q. Journal 1977 b 251-260,7 fig.,2 tab.
Reproductive biology of Tilapia zillii (Gervais) in Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 4 (3)
8273 Siddiqui A.Q. Journal 1979 a 257-262,7 fig.,2 tab.
Changes in fish species composition in Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
Hydrobiologia, 64 (2)
8274 Siddiqui A.Q. Journal 1979 b 131-138,3 fig.,2 tab.