Sobel H.J.

Bibliographie associée

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Crystalline inclusions in the nuclear envelope and granular endoplasmic reticulum of the fish spinal cord.
Journal of Cell Biology, 41 (3)
5502 Marquet E., Sobel H.J. Journal 1969 b 774-785,13 fig.
A protozoon in the central nervous system of the lungfish Polypterus endlicheri.
Journal of Protozoology, 17
5706 Marquet E., Sobel H.J. Journal 1970 # 71-76,6 pl.
Secretion by ependymal cells of the neurohypophysis and saccus vasculosus of Polypterus ornatipinnis (Osteichthyes).
Journal of Morphology, 137
6159 Marquet E., Sobel H.J., Schwartz R., Weiss M. Journal 1972 # 111-130,27 pl.
Ultracytochemistry of the lung of Polypterus ornatipinnis.
Cell and Tissue Research, 155 (4)
6706 Marquet E., Sobel H.J., Schwartz R. Journal 1974 # 437-447,15 pl.