Spliethoff P.C.

Bibliographie associée

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Success of the introduction of the freshwater Clupeid Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger) in Lake Kivu.
Fisheries Management, 14, 1
9319 Spliethoff P.C., Frank V.G., De Jongh H.H. Journal 1983 # 17-31.
Success of the introduction of the freshwater Clupeid Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger) in Lake Kivu.
Fisheries Management, 14, 1
12765 Spliethoff P.C., de Iongh H.H., Frank V.G. Journal 1983 # 17-31.
Feeding habits of the clupeid Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger), in Lake Kivu.
Hydrobiologia, 102
12694 de Iongh H.H., Spliethoff P.C., Frank V.G. Journal 1987 # 113-122.
The impact of an introduction of sardine into Lake Kivu.
In Pitcher T.J. & Hart P.J.B. (eds) The impact of species changes in African Lakes. Chapman & Hall Fish & Fisheries Series 18, 601 p.
12695 de Iongh H.H., Spliethoff P.C., Roest F. Chapter 1995 # 277-297.