Thurston J.P.

Bibliographie associée

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Monogenetic trematodes (Dactylogyridae) from fish in Uganda.
Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine, 78 (3-4)
5308 Paperna I., Thurston J.P. Journal 1968 # 284-294,20 fig.
The incidence of Monogenea and parasitic Crustacea on the gills of fish in Uganda.
Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine, 82 (1-2)
5758 Thurston J.P. Journal 1970 # 109-130,tab.
Studies on the helminth parasites of freshwater fishes of Uganda including the descriptions of two new species of digeneans.
Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine, 87, 2
6402 Khalil L.F., Thurston J.P. Journal 1973 # 209-248.
Studies on the helminth parasites of freshwater fishes of Uganda including the descriptions of two new species of digeneans.
Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine, 87, 2
10664 Khalil L.F., Khalil M.T., Thurston J.P. Journal 1973 # 209-248.
Studies on the helminth parasites of freshwater fishes of Uganda including the descriptions of two new species of digeneans.
Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine, 87, 2
12005 Khalil L.F., Thurston J.P. Journal 1973 # 209-248.