Travers R.A. |
Bibliographie associée
idbiblio | auteurs | support | annee | ext. | pages |
The interarcual cartilage; a review of its development, distribution and value as an indicator of phyletic relationships in euteleostean fishes.
Journal of Natural History, 15, 5. |
10144 | Travers R.A. | Journal | 1981 | # | 853-871, ill. |
A review of the Mastacembeloidei, a suborder of synbranchiform teleost fishes. Part I : Anatomical descriptions.
Bulletin of the British Museum National History (Zoology), 46 (1) |
9514 | Travers R.A. | Journal | 1984 | a | 133 p.,88 fig.,tab. |
A review of the Mastacembeloidei, a suborder of synbranchiform teleost fishes. Part II : Phylogenetic analysis.
Bulletin of the British Museum National History (Zoology), 47 (2) |
9515 | Travers R.A. | Journal | 1984 | b | 83-150,20 fig. |
70. Mastacembelidae.
In Daget J., Gosse J.-P. & Thys van den Audenaerde D.F.E. (eds.), Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB Brussels, MRAC Tervuren, ORSTOM, Paris, volume 2, 520 p. |
10152 | Travers R.A., Eynikel G., Thys van den Audenaerde D.F.E. | Chapter | 1986 | # | 415-427 |
57. Mastacembelidae.
In Lévêque C., Paugy D. & Teugels G.G. (eds), Faune des poisons d'eaux douces et saumâtres de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. ORSTOM Paris, MRAC Tervuren, Collection Faune tropicale XXVIII, volume 2: 389-902 " |
12399 | Travers R.A. | Chapter | 1992 | # | 848-857. |