Tristram H.B.

Bibliographie associée

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Notes on the reptiles and fishes of the Sahara.
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 27
344 Tristram H.B. Journal 1859 # 475-477.
The land of Israël. A journal of travels in Palestine.
Editor, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1865
448 Tristram H.B. Book 1865 # 651 p.,num. fig.,2 map. (2nd Ed. 1866).
The natural history of the Bible ; being a review of the physical geography, geology and meteorology of the Holy Land ; with a description of every animal and plant mentioned in Holy Scripture.
London, 1867
495 Tristram H.B. Book 1867 # 518 p.
The natural history of the Bible. 2nd Edition.
Publication of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1868, (1st Ed. 1867).
508 Tristram H.B. Book 1868 # 518 p.,num. fig.
The Survey of Western Palestine.
London, 1884, 4. Fresh-water Fishes.
695 Tristram H.B. Chapter 1884 # 162-177,pls. xvii-xx.
The survey of Western Palestine. The fauna and flora of Palestine.
London, 1885
702 Tristram H.B. Book 1885 # 455 p.