Willoughby N.G.

Bibliographie associée

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Dry season fish population in the Shire Valley Game Reserve.
Nyala, 2 (1)
7441 Tweddle D., Willoughby N.G. Journal 1976 # 3-14.
The buoyancy and orientation of the upside-down catfishes of the genus Synodontis (Pisces : Siluroidei).
Journal of Zoology, 180 (3)
7454 Willoughby N.G. Journal 1976 # 291-314,9 fig.
Further notes on the fishes of Malawi's game reserves.
Nyala, 3 (2)
7704 Tweddle D., Willoughby N.G. Journal 1977 # 4-10.
The traditional fishery of the lower Shire Valley, Malawi.
In Symposium on river and floodplain fisheries in Africa. CIFA, Technical Paper, 5
7730 Willoughby N.G. Symposium, congress... 1977 # 288-295.
The ecology of the commercially important species in the Shire Valley fishery, Malawi.
CIFA Technical Paper, Symposium on River and Floodplain Fisheries in Africa, 5
7731 Willoughby N.G., Tweddle D. Symposium, congress... 1977 # 137-152,7 fig.
The ecology of the catfish Clarias gariepinus and Clarias ngamensis in the Shire Valley, Malawi.
Journal of Zoology, 186, 4
8022 Willoughby N.G., Tweddle D. Journal 1978 a 507-534.
Electrofishing survey of the affluent streams of Lake Malawi in the Viphya-Chintheche area.
FAO, FI:MLW/75/019/1, Rome
10853 Tweddle D., Willoughby N.G. Report 1978 # 32 p.
The ecology of the commercially important species in the Shire Valley fishery, Southern Malawi.
In Symposium on river and floodplain fishes in Africa, Bujumbura, Burundi, 21-23 November 1977. CIFA Tech. Pap. 5
10855 Willoughby N.G., Risso A. Chapter 1978 b 137-152.
1. The nature of the Barrier separating the Lake Malawi and Zambezi fish faunas.
Ichthyological bulletin, Rhodes University, 39
8299 Tweddle D., Lewis D.S.C., Willoughby N.G. Journal 1979 # 1-9.
2. An annotated checklist of the fish fauna of the river Shire South of Kapachira Falls, Malawi.
Ichthyological bulletin, Rhodes University, 39
8300 Tweddle D., Willoughby N.G. Journal 1979 a 11-22.
An annotated checklist of the fish fauna of the river Shiré south of Kapachira Falls.
Nyala, 5, 2
8301 Tweddle D., Willoughby N.G. Journal 1979 b 73-92.
2. An annotated checklist of the fish fauna of the river Shire south of Kapachira Falls, Malawi.
Ichthyological bulletin, Rhodes University, 39
12310 Tweddle D., Willoughby N.G. Journal 1979 a 11-22.
1. The nature of the Barrier separating the Lake Malawi and Zambezi fish faunas.
Ichthyological bulletin, Rhodes University, 39
12969 Tweddle D., Lewis D.S.C., Willoughby N.G. Journal 1979 # 1-9.
An annotated checklist of the fish fauna of the river Shire south of Kapachira Falls, Malawi.
Ichthyological bulletin, Rhodes University, 39
12971 Tweddle D., Willoughby N.G. Journal 1979 # 11-22.
The distribution and identification of mormyrid fishes in Malawi, with notes on the synonymy of Marcusenius nyasensis and M. livingstonii (Mormyriformes: Mormyridae).
JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Special Publication, 24
11322 Tweddle D., Willoughby N.G. Journal 1982 # 1-10.
The taxonomy of the genus Synodontis (Pisces: Siluroidea) in Lake Kainji, Nigeria.
The African Journal of ropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries, 5, 1
11164 Willoughby N.G. Journal 1994 # 25-30.