Blake B.F.

Bibliographie associée

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The effect of the impoundment of Lake Kainji, Nigeria, on the indigenous species of mormyrid fishes.
Freshwater Biology, 7 (1)
7496 Blake B.F. Journal 1977 b 37-42.
Lake Kainji, Nigeria, a summary of changes within the fish populations since the impoundment of the Niger in 1968.
Hydrobiologia, 53 (2)
7497 Blake B.F. Journal 1977 c 131-137,4 fig.,1 tab.
Aspects of the reproductive biology of Hippopotamyrus pictus from Lake Kainji, with notes on four other mormyrid species.
Journal of Fish Biology, 11 (5)
7498 Blake B.F. Journal 1977 a 437-445.
The use of opercular bones in the study of age and growth in Labeo senegalensis from Lake Kainji, Nigeria.
Journal of Fish Biology, 13 (2)
7764 Blake C., Blake B.F. Journal 1978 # 287-295.